Hey, my name is Erick Race, and I love playing golf but would get so frustrated because I was not consistent. I would hit some great drives, great approach shots but usually never together.
Why was I able to do so well sometimes and so horrible the next? It was no wonder I was well above a 20 handicap. So, I went to my club pro at the time, and took lessons.
I would hit buckets and buckets of balls after the pro changed my set up, my swing path, my posture seemed like everything. But nothing seemed comfortable and when I went out to actually play golf I was worse than before the lessons.
The issue was nothing is transferrable from the lesson/range to the course. On the course you have only one shot and everything is on the line. If you miss hit the ball you lost a stroke or two that wasn’t the case on the range, there was always another ball to hit.
Trying to remember all the changes and all the things from my lessons only made things worse on the course. And since nothing felt comfortable, I fell back to my old ways, my old swing. So now what? I could quit and seriously thought about it.
But when I played well, and I mean hit a great drive with a nice draw or put the ball near the pin on my approach it was so much fun. One day I literally lost 12 balls in the woods or water. I had to go back to the pro shop to buy more balls during the round.
Think about that, that’s two strokes for every ball lost. I had scores of 110 or 115 and most of the time I stopped keeping score. Whenever, I walked up to the tee box I never knew what was going to happen. I could hit a slice, or I could snap hook one into the woods. It had gotten to the point that I stopped hitting a driver all together. But hitting the driver is the best part of the game.
Or If I was in the middle of a round and started hitting too thin or chunking shots, I had no-way to fix it and would compound the problem by getting angry and swing wildly.